Author Topic: Rachel Varga Courtesan of the Year 2016 Acceptance Speech  (Read 24417 times)


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Rachel Varga Courtesan of the Year 2016 Acceptance Speech
« on: August 30, 2017, 09:07:40 PM »
Here is my acceptance speech. Thank you all. - Rach

Hello, and thank you so much for having me here today.

First, I would like to thank the Awards Committee for putting on this beautiful banquet, and for all your hard work during the competition. The dedication of today's members and those throughout years past, is unsurpassed in its commitment to honoring working girls and brothels for their hard work.

To those that voted for me I am humbled that you chose me as Courtesan of the Year. Those that know me, thank you for your faith, and to those that do not, thank you for taking a chance on me. I am honored to receive this award. This award is not intended to honor one woman though, it is to honor all of the working women in our community. It is a testament to our tenacity and will to endure the prejudice of society so that we can have good lives and help those around us. That we as women can make choices for ourselves. We should be thankful for their sacrifice because without them there would be no LPIN.
I have always tried to stand by my beliefs and fight for what I think is right. My goal has never been to build empires, become wealthy, or be better than anyone else. I am already wealthy in family and friendships of all those around me.

Victoria, Kitti, Alice, and Coco, you are all truly worthy of this award. You are all so unique and wonderful and I am proud to have been a part of this with you. I mean that from the bottom of my heart.

When I first started at the Mustang a specific lady told me she that she is not a fan of new girls but that she liked me and when I asked her a few months later if she still liked me she said, "No....I love you." That really meant a lot to me. Thank you Victoria. I love you too.

Kitti, you are one of a kind. I am happy to have you in my life. When I think of you I am reminded of that classic line from Highlander, There can be only one.

Jennifer, I deeply admire you for your strength and courage. You have always treated me with respect and believed in me.  I will always be grateful for this.

Tara, you are the example of what a Madam should be. You know how to keep us going in a way that is loving and encouraging. We are truly blessed to have you with us and in my heart you have won Madam of the Year.
There are so many people that support us. Hostess, cooks, cashiers, security, and all other personnel that help to make us successful. I have many wonderful friends here and I love all of you. We are all part of a community that is special and I hope to make you proud and do my best to be an example to other girls that through perseverance and hard work you can succeed in the brothel life.
Lastly there is one person here that I want to say something to. Max, when I arrived here in America it took a long time to find a friend like you. A friend that will take the ship-wheel when the raging sea resolves to drown me, while knowing full well that she may also may be pulled into its murky depths with me.
Herman Melville said, "Friendship at first sight, like love at first sight, is said to be the only truth."
Thank you Max for your love and friendship.
Thank you all.


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Apology to Rachel Varga Courtesan of the Year 2016
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2017, 09:08:37 PM »
Dear Courtesan of the Year Rachel Varga,

The Awards Committee wishes to extend you a personal apology for neglecting to allow time to give your Courtesan of the Year 2016 winner acceptance speech.  The committee was attempting to expedite the awards presentations so brothel personnel could return to their houses in a timely manner, and we inappropriately rushed through the presentations.  The failure to allow you time to express your feelings and gratitude after being elected Courtesan of the Year 2016 was unconscionable.  However, it was absolutely an unfortunate oversight on the committee's part and definitely not intentional.  Furthermore, the Master of Ceremonies didn't know that you had an acceptance speech prepared.  The committee hopes that you don't feel slighted and have it in your heart to forgive us. 

I will personally post your acceptance speech on the Awards Announcements Board, and you may give a belated acceptance speech at the 2018 banquet.  I know that this won't completely rectify the blunder but unfortunately the 2017 awards banquet has been concluded and we can't turn the clock back. 

The Awards originated to honor Courtesans, since there would be no LPIN or brothels without you Ladies.  The Awards Committee humbly apologizes for any embarrassment that we may have caused you over the dreadful incident.   

LPIN Awards Committee
Firefighter, Highdrive, Lecher, Little Richard, Mikey & MrTShirt

Rachel Varga Courtesan of the Year 2016

Rachel Varga Courtesan of the Year 2016 Acceptance Speech